Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Giving Thanks

Clearly writing frequent blog entries isn’t my strong suit, so here follows my epic recap of the past couple of months. Since we’re fresh off Thanksgiving, I thought it appropriate to devote this entry to the things the Taylor’s have been particularly grateful of late. Here goes… in no particular order…

  • Bryan’s Cousins – As we do every year, we spent Thanksgiving with Bryan’s extended family. This annual tradition usually draws about 25 of Bryan’s cousins and second cousins (or first cousins once removed or however that goes) from his mom’s side of the family. Bryan’s cousins are such a warm, funny, kind group, and we love being around them…and really how often do you get to say that about family…at a holiday no less.

  • Saying Goodbye to a Major Oral Fixation – We’ve recently curbed Audrey of her 24/7 dependence on “pappies” (her pacifiers.) I use the plural because just having one in her mouth wasn’t enough to (excuse the pun) pacify her. No, she had to “triple fist” them…walking around with spare pappies stuck to the end of her fingers. Now, I have to use this moment to say that I really didn’t have a major issue with the pappie usage, seeing as she only recently turned two…but the comments from family, friends and strangers were sending me over the proverbial edge. What we thought was going to be a nightmare of epic proportions was actually quite easy. In a mere two days, we broke her daytime pacifier usage completely and limited her indulgence to nap and bed time. Success…Which leads me to my next item-o-thanks…

  • Say What? – The significant drop in pappie addiction has lead to a new era of communicating with Audrey. This is the good stuff… the little quips that Audrey comes up with which are worthy of that inevitable “kids say the darndest things” page in all parenting magazines – I hate that page by the way. Of course now that I’m writing about it, I actually remember very few hilarious things she’s said lately. I know I should really write them down…just like I should really break her of that damn pappie altogether…you know she is two after all.

  • Play Doh – I know this one is decidedly less significant than the rest, but it merits a place on the list due to the sheer volume of Audrey meltdowns it’s prevented over the past few months. It’s a God send I tell ya, and if you’re the parent of a toddler and have yet to purchase Play Doh, I highly recommend you get to the nearest store and buy some.