Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Week in Review

  • Audrey called me “mom” this week. Prior to this utterance, I had only been "mama" or very occasionally "mommy", but this was straight up “mom.” I even asked her if she just called me “mom”, and without skipping a beat, she said, “yes mom”, like I was clearly deaf and maybe even a little dense.

  • Like your standard parent, I resort to using A’s first and middle name (Simone) when pleading with her to stop doing something life threatening (she’s a coffee table climber extraordinaire.) Earlier this week, I randomly asker her what her middle name was…expecting she’d come up empty since we haven’t really covered the whole concept of a middle name -- and how it’s generally used to appease a family member or spouse who didn’t win on the whole first name competition. But alas, she calmly shot back, “Namone." No fanfare, just the facts. Close enough…excuse me while I call Harvard.

  • We discovered she LOVES olives. If the 24 hours of labor isn’t enough to prove she’s my kid, this seals the deal.

Monday, July 18, 2005

Meet Mademoiselle Bossy

So Audrey’s bossy…I know complete shocker. Her current favorite phrase is “Sit down over there”, which she demands while pointing to the exact spot in the room that she wants you to inhabit. If we refuse, or even hesitate for a beat, she repeats the command at increasing volume until we eventually cave in (which we always do.) We’re sunk…we’ve officially allowed ourselves to be ruled by a pint sized dictator. And to think pre-Audrey I actually said out loud that I would never let my kids boss me around. Sucker.

Monkey See Monkey Do

Well like good Americans, we're jumping on the latest bandwagon and starting a blog. Musings, latest exciting happenings in the Taylor family and of course the requisite'll all be here for your viewing pleasure. Think of it this way, it'll keep your inbox smaller, since we'll stop sending you all those huge picture attachments. Enjoy!