Monday, March 20, 2006

After the Flood

Yesterday in Dallas was a little wet to stay the least. What started out as a quick trip to the book store ended up with me stranded on the side of the road after pulling into the lawn of an apartment complex while trying to avoid stalling out in three feet of rushing water that the street I was driving on had become.

I was scared to put it mildly, and rather than instantly springing into action to determine how to get out of my predicament, I called Bryan and cried. I’m guessing that right about now most of you are crossing me off your list of people that you’d like to be stuck with in an emergency.

At any rate, while Bryan was talking me down from the ledge, Audrey was hearing the entire conversation from her Dad’s perspective, and when I finally got home (2 hours later, soaked to the bone and covered in mud, but that’s another story) Bryan informed me that A. (who was now napping) was very scared that her Mommy was “lost in the rain”. So sad…poor kid…I can’t even begin to imagine the therapy bill for this one.

A couple of hours later when A. woke up from her nap she opened her eyes, looked up at me and said (and I quote) “Mom, you ok…did you get stuck in the rain?”

Yes, I cried.


Aaron and Lily said...

Hey - I'm glad you're OK!

Kim said...
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